Developer news
27th UBO discovery jurisdiction is here – Romania
Posted 2023-06-01
Updated 2023-06-06
We are happy to announce that UBO discovery coverage has increased with one additional jurisdiction: Romania.
Supported Legal Forms
As part of this integration, the following legal forms are now available to be discovered:
- societate pe actiuni, tip societate: s.a. de tip deschis – Joint-stock company, type of company: open;
- societate pe actiuni, tip societate: s.a. de tip închis – Joint-stock company, type of company: closed;
- societate cu raspundere limitata – Limited liability company;
- persoana fizica autorizata – Authorised natural person;
- intreprindere individuala – Sole proprietorship;
- societate in nume colectiv – General partnership;
- societate in comandita simpla – Limited partnership;
- societate europeana – European company (SE);
- cooperativa agricola, tip societate: cooperativa agricola de gradul 2 – Agricultural cooperative, company type: agricultural cooperative of 2nd degree;
The UBO discovery coverage of all integrated jurisdictions and legal forms can be found in the UBO discovery coverage section.