Developer news
Netherlands (NL) – Enhanced integration to the Kamer van Koophandel (KVK)
Posted 2024-04-03
Updated 2024-08-13
What did we integrate?
We bring to you another API connection improvement. This time it is a connection to KVK – Kamer van Koophandel.
The connection contains 6 legal types:
Why did we integrate?
In light of the increasing utilization of our current connection with the Kamer van Koophandel (KVK), we have recognized the necessity to enhance this link to accommodate the growing demand. This decision is driven by our commitment to providing a stable and high-quality service that meets the expectations of our users.
How can you use Dutch integration?
Search by name/number: with name/number (i.e. Helloprint API B.V.)
curl --location 'https://api.kompany.com/api/v2/company/liveSearch' -header 'user_key: {secret}'
"countryCode": "NL",
"searchMethod": "name",
"searchValue": "Helloprint API B.V.",
"searchId": null,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"requestTime": "2024-04-02T09:20:19+00:00",
"responseTime": "2024-04-02T09:20:19+00:00",
"limit": 10,
"searchResults": [
"kompanyId": "3BB95B606D50082B93323DD51CB2E3A7",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"registrationNumber": "76251896",
"name": "Helloprint API B.V.",
"status": "LIVE",
"address": null,
"additionalData": [],
"sources": {
"lastCheckedTime": "2024-04-02T09:16:35+00:00"
Refresh sample
The refresh response from the new connection will cover all the information below:
curl --location 'https://api.kompany.com/api/v2/company/dataset' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'user_key: {secret}'
"datasetId": "98E0F5DC53628D2FFFA37FB8B683300A",
"kompanyId": "3BB95B606D50082B93323DD51CB2E3A7",
"datasetName": "refresh",
"datasetOptions": null,
"info": null,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"requestTime": "2024-04-02T09:32:11+00:00",
"responseTime": "2024-04-02T09:32:12+00:00",
"estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
"content": {
"kompanyId": "3BB95B606D50082B93323DD51CB2E3A7",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"registrationNumber": "76251896",
"name": "Helloprint API B.V.",
"status": "LIVE",
"providedStatus": null,
"address": "Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam",
"legalForm": "Besloten Vennootschap",
"additionalData": {
"otherIdentifiers": [
"identifierName": "localNumber",
"identifierValue": "76251896"
"identifierName": "otherNumber",
"identifierValue": "860561914"
"otherNames": {
"otherNames": [
"Helloprint API B.V."
"contactInformation": {
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "Schiedamse Vest",
"number": "89",
"zip": "3012BG",
"city": "Rotterdam",
"country": "Nederland"
"legalEvents": {
"registrationDate": "2019-10-31"
"associatedEntities": {
"shareholders": [],
"officers": []
"industryActivityCode": {
"activityCodes": [
"46499 - Groothandel in overige consumentenartikelen (rest non-food)",
"47918 - Detailhandel via internet in overige non-food"
"providerSpecificData": {
"latestAccounts": {
"overdue": false
"sources": [
"name": "Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK)",
"info": "The information is retrieved from the official KvK Handelsregister. Moody’s Analytics Austria GmbH has not altered this information and has no copyright thereon. For the most accurate information with legal third-party effect, please consult the KvK Handelsregister.",
"primary": true,
"fields": [
"lastCheckedTime": "2024-04-02T09:16:35+00:00"
"version": "company-v2.0"
Enhanced sample
curl --location 'https://api.kompany.com/api/v2/company/enhanced' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'user_key: {secret}'
"datasetId": "D725CA2A69C50763A702E54E65FB38D9",
"kompanyId": "3BB95B606D50082B93323DD51CB2E3A7",
"datasetName": "enhanced",
"enhancedOptions": {
"generalData": true,
"stakeholders": true,
"shareholders": false,
"beneficialOwners": false,
"suppressRefresh": false
"info": null,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"requestTime": "2024-04-02T09:47:47+00:00",
"responseTime": null,
"estimatedDeliverySeconds": 0,
"content": {
"kompanyId": "3BB95B606D50082B93323DD51CB2E3A7",
"countryCode": "NL",
"countryName": "Netherlands",
"registrationNumber": "76251896",
"name": "Helloprint API B.V.",
"status": "LIVE",
"providedStatus": null,
"address": "Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam",
"legalForm": "Besloten Vennootschap",
"additionalData": {
"otherIdentifiers": [
"identifierName": "localNumber",
"identifierValue": "76251896"
"identifierName": "otherNumber",
"identifierValue": "860561914"
"otherNames": {
"otherNames": [
"Helloprint API B.V."
"contactInformation": {
"contactAddress": "Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam",
"phone": [
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "Schiedamse Vest",
"number": "89",
"zip": "3012BG",
"city": "Rotterdam"
"branches": [
"name": "Helloprint API B.V.",
"number": "000044072651",
"address": [
"Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam"
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "Schiedamse Vest",
"number": "89",
"zip": "3012BG",
"city": "Rotterdam"
"shares": {
"shareCapitals": "1000",
"shareCurrency": "EUR"
"legalEvents": {
"incorporationDate": "2019-10-31",
"registrationDate": "2019-10-31"
"associatedEntities": {
"shareholders": [
"name": "Hello Ventures B.V.",
"registrationNumber": "62495356",
"role": "shareholder",
"providedRole": "Enig aandeelhouder",
"address": "Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam",
"isCorporate": true,
"startDate": "2019-10-31",
"additionalAssociatedEntityData": {
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "Schiedamse Vest",
"number": "89",
"zip": "3012BG",
"city": "Rotterdam"
"officers": [
"name": "Hello Ventures B.V.",
"registrationNumber": "62495356",
"role": "managing director",
"providedRole": "Bestuurder",
"address": "Schiedamse Vest 89 3012BG Rotterdam",
"isCorporate": true,
"startDate": "2019-10-31",
"additionalAssociatedEntityData": {
"formattedAddress": {
"street": "Schiedamse Vest",
"number": "89",
"zip": "3012BG",
"city": "Rotterdam"
"signatureRights": "Alleen/zelfstandig bevoegd",
"occupation": "Algemeen directeur"
"ultimateBeneficialOwners": []
"industryActivityCode": {
"activityCodes": [
"46499 - Groothandel in overige consumentenartikelen (rest non-food)",
"47918 - Detailhandel via internet in overige non-food"
"providerSpecificData": {
"latestAccounts": {
"overdue": false
"sources": [
"name": "Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KVK)",
"info": "The information is retrieved from the official KvK Handelsregister. Moody’s Analytics Austria GmbH has not altered this information and has no copyright thereon. For the most accurate information with legal third-party effect, please consult the KvK Handelsregister.",
"primary": true,
"fields": [
"lastCheckedTime": "2024-04-02T09:47:29+00:00"
"version": "company-v2.0"
Useful links
If you would like to provide us with feedback or you have a question related to this connection, contact us here: ma_kyc_support@moodys.com