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News UBO discovery for Czech Republic enhanced with a new shareholder type

UBO discovery for Czech Republic enhanced with a new shareholder type

Posted 2023-01-24 | Updated 2023-01-26

We are happy to announce a new improvement for UBO discovery regarding companies registered in Czech Republic – we have created an extension to be able to better visualize the joint shareholders Podílníks.

UBO discovery ownership tree

As a part of the Shareholder and Ultimate Beneficial Owner links, the joint shareholders will be visualised as one link per each group of jointly owned percentage of shares, with name consisting of concatenation of surnames and family names of each joint shareholder.

Discovery Report

The joint shareholder type will be presented in the following sections:

  • Access Company Profile: – Top 5 discovered Beneficial Owners;
  • Natural Persons: – Discovery of Beneficial Owners;
  • UBO discovery tree view – as a shareholder link;
  • Validation of Results: – as a chain from 1st level to Ultimate Owner;

UBO discovery JSON output

As a “subType”: “JOINT_SHAREHOLDER” in attributes type Person and UBO;

        "attributes": {
          "type": "PERSON",
          "id": "",
          "nodeId": "",
          "root": ,
          "subType": "JOINT_SHAREHOLDER"
        "properties": {
          "extractionDate": "",
          "ownership": "",
          "sharePercentage": "",
          "ultimatePercentage": "",
          "confidence": 1,
          "name": "",
        "attributes": {
          "type": "UBO",
          "id": "",
          "nodeId": "",
          "root": ,
          "subType": "JOINT_SHAREHOLDER"
        "properties": {
          "extractionDate": "",
          "ownership": "",
          "sharePercentage": "",
          "ultimatePercentage": "",
          "confidence": ,
          "name": "",