ATMOS MEDICAL LIMITED - 11a The Green Stubbington Green, Fareham, PO14 2JG, England, Grossbritannien
- Handelsregisternummer
- 03650989
- Firmenstatus
- Land
- Grossbritannien
- Protokollierter Sitz
- 11a The Green Stubbington Green
- Fareham
- PO14 2JG
- England 11a The Green Stubbington Green, Fareham, PO14 2JG, England UK
- Geschäftsführung
- GREISER, Peter Heinz
- Prokuristen
- -
- Geschäftszweig
- ltd
- Gründungsdatum
- 16.10.1998
- Alter der Firma 1998-10-16 26 Jahre
- 47749
- Beneficial Owners
- Mr Frank Greiser
- Mr Maik Greiser
- Zusätzliche Statusdetails
- Active — Active proposal to strike off
- Ehemalige Namen
- Bilanzhinterlegung
- Fälligkeit: 2024-09-30
- Letzte Einreichung: 2022-12-31
- lezte Bilanzhinterlegung
- 2012-10-16
- Jahresmeldung
- Fälligkeit: 2023-10-13
- Letzte Einreichung: 2022-09-29
ATMOS MEDICAL LIMITED Firmenbeschreibung
- ATMOS MEDICAL LIMITED ist eine in Grossbritannien als ltd registrierte Firma mit der Register-Nr. 03650989. Ihr derzeitiger Status ist "eingetragen". Die Firma wurde 16.10.1998 registriert. ATMOS MEDICAL LIMITED hat Ihre Tätigkeit zuvor unter dem Namen OPTIONS MEDICAL LIMITED ausgeführt. Das Unternehmen ist mit dem SIC/NACE Code "47749" registriert. Das Unternehmen hat 1 Geschäftsführer Die Bilanz wurde zuletzt am 31.12.2022 hinterlegt. Die jährliche Meldung erfolgte zuletzt am 16.10.2012.Die Firma kann schriftlich über 11A The Green Stubbington Green erreicht werden.
Jetzt sichern ATMOS MEDICAL LIMITED HandelsregisterauszugJahresabschlussListe der GesellschafterGesellschaftsvertragBeneficial Owners Check
Sie befinden sich hier: Atmos Medical Limited - 11a The Green Stubbington Green, Fareham, PO14 2JG, England, Grossbritannien
- 1998-10-16
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- Jahre
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Beneficial Owners Check
Angaben über den wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer (Beneficial Owner)
Amtliche Dokumente
Amtliche Dokumente direkt vom offiziellen Handelsregister
keyboard_arrow_down 2023
gazette-notice-compulsory (2023-12-19) - GAZ1
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-full (2023-09-20) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2022
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-full (2022-02-14) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2022-10-25) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2021
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2021-10-07) - CS01
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-full (2021-03-30) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2021-01-27) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2020
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-full (2020-08-14) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2020-01-08) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2019
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-full (2019-09-24) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2018
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2018-11-16) - CS01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2018-09-07) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2017
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address-new-address (2017-05-08) - AD01
accounts-with-accounts-type-full (2017-09-19) - AA
confirmation-statement-with-no-updates (2017-12-15) - CS01
keyboard_arrow_right 2016
confirmation-statement-with-updates (2016-10-21) - CS01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2016-04-27) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2015
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2015-10-26) - AR01
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address-new-address (2015-10-26) - AD01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2015-06-18) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2014
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2014-11-14) - AR01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2014-05-13) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2013
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2013-11-20) - AR01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2013-04-25) - AA
auditors-resignation-company (2013-12-13) - AUD
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address (2013-08-14) - AD01
keyboard_arrow_right 2012
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2012-06-12) - AA
capital-allotment-shares (2012-05-04) - SH01
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2012-11-14) - AR01
keyboard_arrow_right 2011
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2011-11-25) - AR01
change-registered-office-address-company-with-date-old-address (2011-09-02) - AD01
termination-director-company-with-name (2011-07-06) - TM01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2011-06-14) - AA
capital-allotment-shares (2011-02-17) - SH01
keyboard_arrow_right 2010
change-person-director-company-with-change-date (2010-01-18) - CH01
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2010-03-26) - AA
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2010-11-22) - AR01
legacy (2010-03-12) - MG02
keyboard_arrow_right 2009
termination-director-company-with-name (2009-12-07) - TM01
termination-secretary-company-with-name (2009-12-07) - TM02
annual-return-company-with-made-up-date-full-list-shareholders (2009-11-18) - AR01
change-person-director-company-with-change-date (2009-11-18) - CH01
auditors-resignation-company (2009-11-03) - AUD
miscellaneous (2009-10-28) - MISC
resolution (2009-10-28) - RESOLUTIONS
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2009-04-30) - AA
legacy (2009-02-27) - 288b
legacy (2009-02-27) - 288a
certificate-change-of-name-company (2009-03-24) - CERTNM
keyboard_arrow_right 2008
legacy (2008-10-17) - 287
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2008-09-23) - AA
legacy (2008-01-03) - 363a
legacy (2008-12-18) - 363a
keyboard_arrow_right 2007
legacy (2007-07-26) - 288a
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2007-07-19) - AA
legacy (2007-03-21) - 288b
keyboard_arrow_right 2006
legacy (2006-01-11) - 88(2)R
legacy (2006-01-11) - 288a
resolution (2006-02-02) - RESOLUTIONS
legacy (2006-10-30) - 363a
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2006-11-07) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2005
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2005-11-03) - AA
legacy (2005-10-26) - 363a
legacy (2005-02-10) - 395
legacy (2005-02-09) - 287
keyboard_arrow_right 2004
legacy (2004-07-01) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2004-11-02) - AA
legacy (2004-11-10) - 288b
legacy (2004-11-10) - 288a
legacy (2004-11-10) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 2003
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2003-12-03) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2002
legacy (2002-11-06) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2002-11-02) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2001
legacy (2001-11-28) - 287
legacy (2001-11-05) - 363s
accounts-with-accounts-type-total-exemption-small (2001-08-17) - AA
keyboard_arrow_right 2000
accounts-with-accounts-type-small (2000-08-18) - AA
legacy (2000-11-13) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 1999
legacy (1999-11-22) - 363s
keyboard_arrow_right 1998
legacy (1998-11-26) - 287
legacy (1998-11-25) - 225
legacy (1998-11-26) - 288a
legacy (1998-12-14) - 287
legacy (1998-11-27) - 288b
certificate-change-of-name-company (1998-12-02) - CERTNM
legacy (1998-12-09) - 88(2)R
incorporation-company (1998-10-16) - NEWINC